Boxwood landscaping is popular for its neat, sophisticated look. These versatile, evergreen shrubs make a yard look alive all year round and provide a beautiful green backdrop for bright blooming perennials in the summer.
The shrubs are easy to prune for a topiary garden and hold their shape well due to their slow growth. But the options don’t stop there! Check out these 9 fantastic boxwood landscaping ideas!
1. Accent an Entry
The sophisticated look of neatly trimmed boxwoods is perfect for accenting an entryway. Try lining a walkway with the shrubs, or plant a pair on either side of a gate.
To add a pop of green to the front entry, place a pair in containers on either side of the front door. Topiaries in pots are perfect for this purpose. Spirals and spheres are especially popular, but there are many available shapes.
2. Define an Edge
A neat row of smartly trimmed boxwoods is perfect for defining edges in various areas of landscaping. For example, they look amazing lined up along the edge of a patio or flanking a walkway.
For a low boxwood hedge, check the label for spacing and grow in lines. Prune to keep the angles clean and the shape squared for the perfect accent to an elegant walkway. Be sure to choose the varietal and the spacing carefully; some boxwoods will grow in to fill a hedge more slowly than others.
3. Border a Garden
Certain types of boxwoods only grow a couple of feet tall. These are perfect for bordering a garden. Create a low hedge along the edge of the garden and plant taller brightly blooming perennials in the garden behind it for a spectacular look.
Further, boxwoods look fantastic as a border for rose gardens. Not only is this a classic look, but the evergreen hedge creates a natural border between pedestrians and the sharp thorns.
4. Define a Space
Looking to create outdoor rooms? A line of boxwoods is perfect for creating a separation either around the edge of the yard or to cordon off certain parts.
For example, create a cozy nook with a boxwood hedge divider. Set up a table and chairs for entertaining and al fresco dining on one side, and add herb or vegetable garden beds on the other.
5. Add Sculptural Elegance
Despite the name, boxwoods don’t only have to be pruned in box shapes. Often, homes and yards are constructed with square, straight angles and lines. This can make the yard seem artificial and unnatural.
By adding more curves, the landscaping will appear more natural to the eye. Prune boxwoods into a spherical shape to add softness to the landscaping. Globe-shaped shrubs planted at corners of garden beds or beside long lines like fences impart a more park-like aesthetic.
6. Create Interesting Displays
Because they are so easy to shape, boxwoods are perfect plants to use for interesting displays. Create topiary masterpieces (or stick with simple, yet stunning shapes) and place them as focal points throughout the landscaping.
Boxwoods in planters are also great decoration for parking areas or patios/decks as they stay green all year round. The container also keeps the plant elevated, protected, and nuisance water run-off contained.
7. Layer for Texture
Layering boxwoods with other plants is a great way to add texture to any yard. For example, plant a low row of tidy boxwoods and plant large shrubs behind them. Or try the opposite with shorter flowering annuals in front of a row of boxwoods.
Marigolds and petunias are lovely annuals that bloom with spectacular color. Yellow and orange marigolds pop with dramatic contrast, while white or blue-purple petunias paint a more subtle landscape.
8. Plant in Small Spaces
Small varieties of boxwoods are perfect to use in small backyards, narrow side yards, or the borders of small patios. Their diminutive size won’t overwhelm the space and their slow growth means they don’t have to be pruned often to keep them the desired size.
9. Direct Foot Traffic
People will generally walk anywhere in a front yard unless there are clear indications about places they shouldn’t go. A low boxwood hedge along the edge of the turf will gently direct foot traffic away without visually closing off the yard.
Pedestrians are especially prone to damage the grass on corner lots. People and pets cut across the yard and compacted dirt paths result. This can really ruin an otherwise gorgeous lawn. Luckily, a boxwood hedge discourages most traffic and preserves the beauty of that manicured lawn.
Find the Perfect Shrubs and Perennials for Your Yard!
Still unsure about the best boxwoods for your Georgia yard? Don’t hesitate to contact our landscaping services experts here at Atlanta Turf & Tree. Founded in 2007 and specializing in the greater Atlanta area, we know a thing or two about landscaping in Georgia.
We can help you with all of your landscaping and lawn care needs, including custom designs, installations, maintenance, and renovation.